The entertainment industry, as of late, has been more than vocal about the butthurt they have endured at the hands of dirty pirates who steal their music. What they don’t realize is that these people actually help them.
A wild statement, you say? Oh wait, what’s this? Holy Bittorrent, Batman, it is an awesome list!
1. It stops fans from buying crap
Thereby performing a sick kind of quality control. Instead of just consuming whatever crap the artists decide to put out that week, pirates make them work to create good stuff. If a movie sucks, it’s not going to get the same kind of press these days as it would before the Internet. People will tell you it sucks. When someone gets something for free and says it sucks, you can often trust them more than a paid critic who probably got comped a weekend at Disneyland to tell people that “Paranormal Activity” was scary.
2. It helps artists who are actually good
Back in the days, we would only hear a musician if he had a record contract. Today, anyone with a computer and some talent can get their work out there. While it is true that wading through piles of junk can be somewhat daunting at times, finding the gem that becomes your favorite song makes it all worthwhile. The bonus is these guys don’t mind if we pirate their stuff. They are just happy to be heard.
3. It resurrects good songs
Every now and then, a song that would have never become popular again gets linked by thousands of /b/tards involved in some sort of sick joke and gets airplay. Without being free to find and listen to such a song, Rick Astley would still be that young white guy from the 80’s who sounded like an old black man. Pirates made him famous again. You’re welcome, Rick.
4. It is a great marketing tool
Most musicians don’t make their money off the actual sales of the album they release. They make it off concerts and merchandising. The more people pirate a song, the more are likely to pay for a live performance or t-shirt. If I found out the Numa Numa kid was doing his thing at the local theater, I would be all over it. Don’t act like you wouldn’t be first in line too…
5. If given the chance, we will pay for good work
meganAsk Radiohead. They released their last album to the net for free and ended up making more money in donations than they would have had they sold the frickin thing. What’s this you say? Cite my sources?
Ok. But first, a pirated pic of Megan Fox in a bikini…
6. If it wasn’t free, most of us wouldn’t listen or watch it
Now that you have forgotten all about asking me for sources, I ask you this: how many of the movies you have seen in the last year would you have actually paid for? 1 or 2? Maybe 3? These people are lucky ‘we’ wasted our time on some of their crap. Without piracy, some movies just wouldn’t get seen at all. Take that, British movie industry…
7. It stops physical piracy
I know I’m not alone when I say I will never buy a pirated copy of anything on the street. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? If not given the digital opportunity to get things, the real pirates who make money off the stuff would be getting more and more business. Thanks to file-sharing, they get it all from anyone with a hard drive and just a little bit of motivation. File-sharers can shut them down whereas the MPAA, RIAA, or any other organization has problems even making a dent.
8. It stops violence
The aforementioned industry, selling pirated movies on the streets, can lead to people getting hurt. Just like the war on drugs, when something is made illegal and has to move to back rooms and alleyways, bad shit starts to happen. No one has ever gotten stabbed over the internet for copying a movie or song. Because you don’t have to deal with shady people. Those who advocate piracy are generally decent folks who would never hurt anyone. Unlike what the business would be without them…
9. It helps you to meet chicks
Honestly, I met the most wonderful woman in the world by helping her to get some free Nintendo games on her PC. For all you pirates out there, helping others always has its good points (even though it doesn’t necessarily help the music industry). Remember, the chick you help get some stuff for her computer today may be the one you have been looking for your entire life. It at least opens up the door to conversation whereas before you may not have had one. On that note, cue the comments….
Ain't my writing*, I love it though!
*This is the first contribution from xxoozero, FreakBits reader and cranky pirate!
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